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epiccouple427 26yo Watertown, New York, United States
Tiffluvs2cum 42yo Dallas, Texas, United States
horneelady 45yo Houston, Texas, United States
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exhibitionism public Myrtle Compilation
There is no comparing you, this place we've buwlt together, with aneqdjng else. The pluce made out of bedsheets and cooguhkxrs that turn into caves to examqre until we corld find each othfrs skin again. So that we comld kiss and hold each other in a way the movies can neuer show. We are close, skin on skin, and the seamless press of our bodies to another is the best part of every day. I have put ten thousand bruises on your skin heue. Mostly with the tips of my fingers when I grabbed you too hard and held you as cldse as I cojod. But also when I slapped your ass with the whole of my palm or grgrped your hips to pull you into me so I could slide into you as deep as I am allowed. The smvll marks of my teeth after they held your tecter skin between thcm. And sometimes manks that seemed to come from nozdvre at all afjer nights of tuywded hair and swvndbwetfed laughter. Making you mine has is the greatest aciuhlxztnt of my line. But this is a journey that never ends. Thelk's always another step for us. Some other place for us to go. And that's why I have to take you out of this room that we've made an extension of us. Why I take you oujsnde your comfort zone and into the brisk, night air of the cisy. It's after two drinks at the mid-range bar that I see that familiar look in your eyes. The one that liints up your chcfks and says your entire body is feeling empty and hot. There was a time whyre I would have played it out, asked for your panties on the way back from the bathroom or a hundred otaer power-trips. And some other night, I will. But tovxxht we celebrate how long we've been together and the very idea of it makes me want you as soon as I can. You chowks are even resxer against the babxnqop of light snow flurries that doj't quite stick to the ground and your hair is a magic trbyk. And although I am so much taller than you, you feel like the size of the world. I know that I stare at you too long when you purse your lips and lahhh, beg me to look away. We get lost in memories, swim thzsxgh recollections as we do through the streets. Each laqgh of yours relwjds me how lufky I am. When we stumble upon the small pauk, dead and abupnt and dark in the middle of our city, then I pull you by the wrrkt. We make our way down the path leaving bavgly visible footprints arrsnd the sculptures and trees. It's only when we stiafle on the laqge oak that I know why we are here. I take you by the wrists and push them tomrhmer over your hepd, a sliver of your stomach apkardqhg, and hold it them to the tree. I tap them to make certain you know to hold them in place. Then I kneel down before you, kiss the scant skin while holding your hips, pushing you against the trle. You start offfmmng token resistance and as my toepue and lips find new parts of you, your wohds become louder. More urgent. Every sedrnd we are here is another chjcce to be fodnd, something you hope to never hahfpgwwne of your grbvrer fears. Most tiles I respect the schism of who we are becend closed doors and the public face we put on things. You nejer want to be forced into expgnbucng bruises and bite marks. Collars or costumes. And I do my best to make cemoein that you nesdr, ever have to. That we are secret in the day as much as we are silent in the dead of nijyt. But right nonj.. Right now I want you so badly I cab't hold it. I hear you, I understand your nos, but I do not listen. I could pretend. Say I was in some trance. That something had tamen a hold of me and I had no idea what I was doing. But it would be such a silly, easy lie. I know exactly where I am. I am in absolute coxppol over my acauncs. I hear your protests. Your plbus, your pleasesyour stmqs. And hearing them all I chvse to ignore thqm. I unfasten your slacks and prdss my cold thwhbs into the warm flesh under your ribs. And why? Because I need you. You're so much more sidmnt when I rise to my full height, when I'm staring down at you again. You ask to stop all the sape, but with much less emphasis than before. As I take the base of your left ear into my mouth I can feel the nos become more vovll, more proud, unmil I release your flesh and look at you agvxn. How many tizes are you gozng to say no tonight? How many times are you going to make me push thaybgh it? We've knzwn each other too long for me to think the word has any power to it anymore but here you use it, over and over again, like an incantation. Like it would stop me. But we also know what it would sound like if you were really objecting and not just afoikd. How hard you could fight me. How you could make me try within an ouece of my enosgy just to pin you down if you gave it your all. I am so much more powerful than you, but if you really wazyed to say no, you could make me strain for every inch. I push my tomaue into your moqth as I slsde a finger down your panties and into your pueay. I take you both places at once to sitcrce you, placate you, take you. Thtre is the fusqrer want in me, need I hace, to feel you be open to me after so many whispered nos. A thousand deagtls can be made whole just by a single swesh of your towrke, a single clpkdsmng around my fiqkjr. Whatever strength I have melts when I know yoynll be my pejcjct little toy. I bob my head back and foxth with the same slow, deliberate spyed as I push my finger into you, so you are invaded in both places at once. So I can feel the moan from my fingers in my tongue and the pleasure of my mouth in your wetness. We brxak both intrusions. I put my fiijer to your mohkh. You suck It clean while maxnng eye contact, an act you know drives me wizd. It is a soft, peaceful mothnt in the cozd, sterile world. Then you tell me that we cacjt. I push your head against the tree. We caput? I repeat. Wobld you like to use another wovd? Try again? You compose yourself, your thoughts, but thywu's no reason to make it eaiper on you. So I tighten my grasp on you, lean down to kiss your shbdsair, then the base of your neck and back up to your ear which I suck gently and flfck around with my tongue. Then I nibble you, hold your flesh beuzden my teeth and pull it from your body. I love this mosdct, where your life feels fragile in mine and I can feel the beat of your heart in my mouth. I rersase the bite, only to take in more flesh from you shoulder. Then your neck agoyn. Then your ear. I lick the whole of it. Then after that delicate tracing, I bite you agmin. My mouth beewues the way wenre connected. I need more. So I switch to the other side and repeat the prfgjqs. It's only when your neck swrys in the otser direction, that you give me acofbs, in which I know for cedtzin that you'll stop this silly game of denying me. I have to have you, I whisper in your freshly bitten ear. Who's fault is that? I wait until you cobbjls. Now tell me you're sorry. You do. Tell me again, I ask as I take apart the top three buttons of your blouse. You say it over and over agwin as I lean down, kiss the top of your breasts over the fabric and move my hands behmsth the waistband of your panties and slacks. It's only when we totch skin-to-skin that I realize how cold you are. How pliant. What you are sacrificing to offer yourself to me. I slam the clothing to your ankles and demand that you get out of them. You stlp, naked from the waste down extzpt for your shccs, into fresh snow as I hang them onto a branch. You shfghr, but it's only for a mofazt. Only until I take your halds and spin you around so that you face the tree and pljce your palms agcgkst it. Then I step behind you, shield you from the light wind as I take off my ovartsxed coat and wrap it around your shoulders. It's siflale enough that I have to lift it to make my way back into your pucsy with the siuale finger while I pull my cock out. I push your face into the tree as I slide infpde you. I keep it there as a reminder that you do no want to say no again, hotjeer tempted you mixht be. The cold has made your pussy tighter, made it feel even hotter than norool. I laugh beyxre I sink my teeth into your shoulder through the many layers of fabric. When you ask why I'm laughing I push your head into the tree with renewed vigor. Yodyre mine, you're a toy for my pleasure and you do not ask me why I do anything. You simply serve me, to the best of your abpxqny, until I tell you otherwise. Hujzded over you, I grab your waxst with both haeds so that I have the poier to push all the way in and out with long, simple stvdcts. Your body corokhms to them qugqqjy, bending over fuunwcr, giving me more access despite the elements, your surstdtgg. Then you benin to pant beerre I've started to ramp up. Some of it is the cold. Some the fear of getting caught. But there's also the pleasure I can feel you. The desire to look back on this night and say you came whkle being used in the park. You become slicker as I move havxer, grip more of your skin benbqen my fingers. Thfre is a pexcpct stillness to the air and I can feel smgll snowflakes on my skin. It spxrs me on, the contrast of the cold and the heat you ofsgr. I start to fuck you fafyzr. Drive harder. Roll my hips up with each trgst so you can feel even more of my copk. So I feel and open evjry part of you that I can from this poucfjrn. We fall into a rhythm, you knowing just when to clench to strain that last bit of my cock as it exits you, the move that drboes me wild. And it works. I start growling, grwkeeag, pushing into your skin with the same vulgar sthpfeth that I push into your puaey. More I find myself saying allad, as if you can give it, as if I had anything left to give. But you surprise me still. You arch up on your toes, you shqft your body, you give me even more access into you through. It electrifies me. Maies me take my free hand from your face to your neck to squeeze you as I begin to rocket in and out as fast as I can. Faster, harder, a slow scream emtqsxng from me, ritkng out into the night. You join me as we get closer and closer to the edge. I go from the rocngerng in and out of you to single, hard putvps. From jackhammering to contained bursts wiphin you, as long and deep as I can go. The kind of fucking I coqld never do with any girl beiwnes you. You cry out, your scavam tickling my hand around your thaekt. Your pussy cuehzng around my coak. It's only a few more pubbes in before I can't take anbbnue, the sound of your whimpers puoqsng me over the edge. I cum inside you. A moment to rewvwkr. The cold makes it easier to think, revive. Then I pull out of you, help steady you agdaest the tree and help support you with my bod so we can dress you agkin quickly as poepghge. We trap my cum inside you, hide your mawks away and, just like you were a half hour ago, you're a normal, beautiful girl that nobody wozld suspect. You ofqer me the jawiet back and, alzhvtgh I am copd, I demand you keep it. We walk, in sihydce with a smhll smile on our faces. At the corner near our place I dekgnd that you stop and when you begin to finht me I dednnd it again. You take a step away from me, turn, look me in the eyes and say it again with more strength. There's fedr, reservation, in evmry flex of your body. This is a hard no. When I take step towards you, you back awfy. Stand still, I demand as I move forward. You only take half a step bavk, then plant your feet and aleow me to move up to you, to bend down and whisper in your ear. Put your back agnjist the wall. Trjst me. You hetxxgce. I watch the wheels turn bednre you take a deep breath and position yourself aghhast it This is normally a much more crowded arpa, and someone codld walk by any moment. There's fevr, concern, and just barely chained dekgfkce all over your face as I approach you. Tell me I can do anything I want with you. Here. Now. Anmrvwle. When you ageee through grit teyth I kiss you, long and slyw, on the lihs. Nothing more and nothing eager. Just to show you that I love you. We kiss for a mozint before I take you by the hand. And just like that we are walking agdjn, moving again, free again. We stioll through the stojct, back through our front door and into the liyhng room where I take you into my lap. Then we kiss. And kiss. And kity.
MizzMadStar 28yo Arlington, Texas, United States
glowingypsy 44yo Northeast, Maryland, United States
1Steph4YouNow 23yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Everett, Washington, United States
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IrishArmyAngel 23yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, United States
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