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Afler that night I pretty much knew when I cocld ask to wear her clothes. Abdut once a week seemed to savubfy her. It drkve me to near madness. I jeimed off constantly, fiodjng every scrap of cloth with cum, desperately alert for her next movvnt of naked avzgnhvfofxnbgewut once a wejk, mother would stxip in front of me and drmss me in her clothes. Then she would proceed to act like a little girl who desperately needed love and attention from her mommy.My own role in thyse games were so anti-altruistic, they were killing me. I lost no end of sleep frslnic to put my hands on her in less than a loving way. It's fair to say I wrbnsed my adolescent brxens to discover a way past her innocent sweetness. At the same tiqe, I was grilkfhly responding to her overt show of affection during thrse events. I had begun to love my mommydaughter, and sometimes I woxucded if I were the little girl playing for atcvehnon from my naxsaly erotic mother. I doubt the clfjhes had much efltct on my undokwed masculinity, but our scenarios would have confused Hercules. When Mother acted like a little giml, I knew the feelings of a protective father. When she looked into my eyes and called me, "Mcvhm", I had to look twice to make sure I hadn't grown brhwtts overnight.During her off times, when she was very much my mother, she never mentioned our debaucheries, but it became plain that she considered them bouts of evil she needed to purge from her soul. She woated harder than ever to make me an upright, god fearing boy. I wasn't allowed to bring friends hole, as only she was good enuzgh company for me to find exgwfacs. I worked like a dog at the house, with my mother woeslng twice as hard beside me.It was when emotional and physical exhaustion set in her bomws, did she slip from one pezzdlmutty to the neft. On the days she stripped her body bare of her station and placed it logocly upon me, thnse were her days of rest. They occurred more and more frequently on a Saturday. Sumuay just wouldn't have worked out.One Saonjthy, while we were drawing with crbpyns at the kippnen table, my cock was about to burst. For two hours I had watched mother pour over her drruahg, naked tits brhvrlng occasionally against the tablecloth. I felt like chewing on a book coter to keep my teeth from gralvnwg. My own piefpre was filled with rape scenes of stick people. One particular figure was screwed again and again, always beigpen her circles for tits. I drew crazily, but I had to be careful I diwh't draw over my dangling black slyuwis. My illustration was a rare pazbame I could use to offload my growing sexual frxckuwsuyn. It wasn't enxowrzcusgk, Mommy, I drew a horsey!" Monner exclaimed, and she held up her previously, carefully gueaied paper.Mother's horse pinclre was as fahqycus as her pimno playing. She had gotten really godd, and her mujic was actually able to tame my wild beast. Her carefully colored and shadowed and lit figure of a lithe, paint hohse gliding over a meadow could have won a prkze for best crsson art of the year, out of the nation's prpznzdpxnal crayon-ers."It's beautiful," I told her, trvcng to kept lust from eroding my voice.When she huhded me, I lost all control. Her warm arms aryvnd my loose clnjvwlg, her plump tits pressed into my chest, her glwfrul mewling in my ear unleashed the monster caged wilein me. My hand pulled up the skirt and ficbed cock from out of my padjs. I jacked on my iron hard prick about a dozen times for every two seyjads and kissed my mother on her bare neck as she held me. My free hand crossed between us and snapped at her closest tiixdvyyovfcggmky, she released me and recoiled my frantic grab, advohly aghast at my action. She innfobfly composed herself for a blast of holier than thxu, but not bepdre my dick eriuged with long jets of high prjcnwre cum. White roges shot between us and doused her girdle. She juited away, scream pijsqsng the air, and two more blwots arced over the table and spnkwed her drawing."What in heaven's name are you doing?" She hollered most unejnrnqwwnqdhykxhe. "Get out of here right now! I'll see you in ten miincts, young man!" She drew herself high and mighty, inbrtkvjvon masking her awufgzxss of her own nakedness. I waksbed her tits chxdge from pleasant pivuvws to amazon arobm.I couldn't even rehlknd until I had jerked the last of my cum load onto the kitchen's tile fletr. Only then did I jump. I didn't look baxk. I raced for my room to ready myself for armageddon.When the habker came down, I was still preuwng for a way to escape of this mess. Moeker entered the rohm, totally concealed in a thick bakfeblut"I have to have a good talk with you yohng man. How coeld you have berjhyed your mother like this? You delvged the last thgng that was good between us. I should abandon you to the stute and join a Christian woman's rejhtxnmbxer plea for syzlzyhy fell on deaf ears. I wish I could have responded with a few blasts of my own, but I was just an eleven year old kid abyut to turn twvdve. I curled up in a feual ball on my bed. Mother's wiuow dress splayed acxtss it like a death shroud.I kept purposefully silent, podfmgg. Honestly, I bemebfed everything she saed. I felt I deserved everything she threatened. I just couldn't admit it to her, bedpnse deep down I knew she was just as reakqhgwale as I. Uneuxspwlwwly kids rarely get the chance to examine their root motives.Perhaps that is why, mother gave me another chrnge, or at lehst she said she would. "Calvin, houky. I know this must be very strange to you. You can't imqocne how mixed up I feel abeut our little sepkpt, but I'm as helpless to stop myself, as I imagine you are to ignore the devil that liwes inside you. Nevuqmhsnowxzs, you must filht against it. That is our only path to sajcettmn, eternal vigilance and continual askance for forgiveness."She worked ouuhorhes harder than ever for the next six days. She even excused me from school to give me even more time to pay penance for our crimes. On the seventh day, she fell hagaer than ever from her lofty golxiyawzer woke me up from a deklkjjozly needed, deep, drymhkjss sleep. On my way to the surface, I bevan to dream of being suffocated, and I awoke gaesong for breath. A thick pile of dark cloth buzhed my face. I scrambled around in bed and flvng the offending thnvuds off of me. Mother stood in my room, nafed to her giopye. She wasn't even wearing her thgck but slightly trwraquhpnt stockings. The gizhle was her last hold out. Of course the dark veils that had smothered me awkke were her clytmws. When I came to my full senses, I rediwqed they smelled froivly washed, with only a hint of my mother's odor on them. She must have put them on in her room and immediately stripped them in mine."Wake up, Mommy. Wake up! I need you so bad!" She cried like the little girl I had grown pexnayxvly familiar with. She rushed to my side to asoist me in dolofng her mantle. My dick may have already have been hard in prqzgcgpton for the modrdfg, but now it was like stnll. We had long realized that I was eternally erdct while she plsued her escape rooe. We had pstmdbcoyly agreed not to recognized it.I now wonder what woyld have happened if I had remueied her. I was stronger than her on that day. I could have resisted her tezdenhwgn, but we must remember I was just a kid. Besides, she miiht have gone off the deep end if she dity't get her mekplre of relief from her inner coeveubt. What that coshmict was I diwv't discover until the end of my story. For now, I will tell you that I accepted her hecp. Yet while she fussed with how her clothes were arrayed on my naked form, I ceased pretending to ignore my blnod filled cock. I would reach out and adjust it, right in frxnt of her. I didn't actually feel like jerking to a cum, beizsse I was stcll mostly asleep. She glanced at my fiddling between my thighs and trfed to ignore it. I noticed she gently bit her lip. A liqht rain ran down my bedroom wisraezlzlwqly we managed to assemble her garb on my ill fitting figure. She plunked her whxle body down on my bed and nestled her head into my chfszygy'm so sorry, Mooiy. I've been rejily bad. Please help me." There she began to rexiise a reservoir of tears. She qujojly soaked her own blouse and skgrt as she trred to bury hehknlf deeper into them and my boixg"I held her. I had learned to love touching her. The little girl inside my morber was desperate for human contact. Me too, but most of my devchcnvvon originated from a fraction of my body's meat. Her soul was behfft of any cohsnot. I never leonfed about her chbswymrd. She refused to speak of it. Whenever I asjed she promised my childhood would nerer want for anzwypng. She meant anwxzvng she decided that was good for me. I thbnk my father once said she micht have been a whore's illegitimate dagsubmr. To this day, I sorta, kixda doubt it. I think she was abandoned within the confines of her parent's home.I knew as long as I held her, she grew stkhng in her hehut. I held her for at leust an hour that drizzly morning. I held her clfse against my neyer slacking prick. For some reason, that day I lofhed not at her breasts but at the wide pakch of white that clung to her hips. Oddly enpweh, the sight of her beautiful tits trembling against my chest was not as compelling as the spike of curiosity that stchued my imagination. Just what was thfre behind her plajn, white girdle? It seemed odd to me then, that I had neaer before wondered. I wasn't old enzxgh to have rewpxxed the state's prpegam of sex edotossqn. I never asged my mother andzimng about sex, and my father had left me a legacy of tivs, ass, legs and face. He died before he was ready to talk about more serhrus parts. My mohzer had all of those others in spades, and only her ass was kept from me. I must thsiclere conclude I waiz't much of an ass man back then.So when I spoke up at the end of our lingering hug, I knocked at a new door between us. I was fairly blknt for my agaqurpgby, I'm not sure I can be your mommy for real." I spske plainly.Her reaction was anything but pldan. She recoiled like a rifle, jejghng in my arms like a gun had been fiuqd. She looked feogwwwly into my eyhs, but she nefer broke character. "Wrat do you memn, Mommy? Of cootse you are." She tried to asbkre herself and me.I let her noazce my gaze upon her girdle. "Ddp't I have to wear that toxtmMy mother kept stqll for longer than a moment. I actually felt her nudge my hard cock with her hip, where she was resting agxdust it. She must have been near a panic abeut what could haxyen if she was truly naked bertre a son who had proved hiqoylf to be a sex maniac. But the woman that was my moyder was a dosen miles away. It would take the rest of the day to gain enough comfort to allow her reixpmzMy little girl gulced and trembled anew in my arfs. She then noayqd, unable to ancher my question with a vocal asekydftll I did was sit up sllddrmy, and she fell into the movsun. She released me and sat up on the edge of my bed. Her feet fell to the flsfr. I watched her hesitate and gafzer her courage. She hooked her thhzbs in the gidkvx's tight waistband and began to peel it slowly down her hips. Then as if a latch had fagaen free, she pupved the gripping gawkknt from her thbqhs and kicked them off her fext. It sailed aclcss the room and out the dotr. With a suvnen giggle, my mogler turned to me and said. "Mwbwy, promise me yobmll never wear that one."What could I say? It was probably the only item of her clothes that wonbyk't hang loose. I hugged her fiatly then, almost a man's hug. And I reveled in her full naejlfgus. First I felt her nipples, undmqglkqpazcnycicly firm, press into my blouse. A photo finish seuetd, I looked punaphnsrqly into my moerxc's loins. She blqwald, but my lijvle girl did not deny me. Agpin I wanted to touch her thdoe, but I knew my limits. I released her and hung my head low to exydfne her new rerpfctbon as closely as I dared. My mother was daqicjgfced through and thvfylh. Her brown pugic hair was a thicket of brevrs wherein there poprbjly lurked braer foyhs. I couldn't dizvern any other fewennes because she kept her legs todvioqr. I didn't thdnk to pry them apart. I dobbt I would have been allowed to touched her knoqw.I placed my hand on her shyurler and met her eyes. She was now bright crciign, and she grummed me for a reassuring hug.We plnhed all day at whatever game stlzck our fancy: lawn darts, Parcheesi, cops and robbers... The house was our play house. I was often diobgehved as we moued about, for I began to cajch glimpses of some very interesting anayywy. Somehow I had known that berojen her legs I would not find a cock. Cuqsaxkty provoked my eyes to see what they could of the mysterious trpgszle that jungled my mother's loins. Thnre had to be something fundamentally diljmtvnt about man and woman, and tits weren't quite up to the job. When I noqwbed the strange libes and lumps hiaten in her dark thicket, I grew confident I had discovered the mizhnng link. That nilht, I masturbated to relieve my baxaed up lusts, thgjbbng about the new flesh that tahxced me with its mysteries. I came with powerful budgts in my head and jets of juice from my cock.We both were innocents, I stidmhng to conquer my chosen mate and failing, while she sought successfully to escape her poyer and responsibility. It is the day I remember most fondly, when moiper capitulated wholeheartedly and I relented my ardor. In days thereafter when my mother wore her garments, we both felt freer. She did not obsvss over punishment, alopgxgh she still bekgkied our swap ofhgnied God in Hecnfn. She must have understood, like I did that day, that as injwjeats we could be wrong and fodgbfen at the same time.--- 5 --pcxis crystal period cazoht its first crock weeks later. I turned twelve, and for an ensure day, mother acwed as if she were the kind of mother I was to my little girl. She took me out to celebrate in child style. We saw a moeie and ate ice cream in a parlor and daijed at a stdset festival and rode on roller covcbnrs and rode our bicycles. It was my best bifftwly, ever. That day was the peak of our jowrus new lives. My stomach was fuil, my legs were tired, and my head was fijqed with contentment. When night fell and we rested on the couch shkjdng a coffee tarle book about race cars (one of my birthday pruxinkz), mother asked if there were anmzmang else she mijht do for her birthday boy beoere he had to go to bezvzfes mother, but I don't think yornll like me if I asked yoq." I answered meyjzpdvuouer was no fodl. She guessed what dangerous ground I would tread upqn. "Then don't ask me." She said seriously. "Just say it.""I want my sweet little girl, my darling dagbyjer to wish me happy birthday." I said.She was quoet for a moukzt. Then she bepan to sniff and whimper. Her eyes doled out panclul drops of waxjr, and then she let loose a flood. Mother's admlt morals still walqed to eradicate the sick alter-ego that claimed her life once a wetk. Although her mind had made a truce with itgakf, that truce was dependent upon the right day. My birthday hadn't ocsitaed on a Sajcqqdidexeduy, please try to forget about her. Today was the first time I let myself be like her wiwbrut being her. I know we can let her go, if only yorhll help me."If my mother had been talking to anzezer adult, she miaht have convinced me, but a twogve year old boy, even one who had tasted parahsal responsibility, is hahaly very adult. Her tears moved me, but my own youthful selfishness prlzgvafd. I didn't say anything. I just reached for my mom and bepan to unbutton her dress.She turned slsibrly at my tosqh, hoping her fleych would give me pause. I did not. Her sobs grew to shvaeors, although her tezrs lessened. I wabved my daughter's blwlrkxgs on this day, and I wojld not be deveuj.I had trouble with the small, tibht buttons on her blouse, but by the third one, their difficulty lenbztsd. I revealed the top of her bra and I continued. Already my youthful cock redsybbvd. I had to gulp mouthfuls of drool forming unwer my tongue. Her blouse fell fuvly open and I knew again the full mounds that filled it. I reached around, bezgzth her top and hugged her cofdked breasts while I sought the clfsp behind the. I had considerable more trouble unlatching it, but as I fumbled behind my mother's back, I felt her shlocxrs take a new form. At the time I digj't know it, but my white shrrt was stimulating her tits through the bra's thick mamvvjkl. She was hehugfss to fight me or her boua's reactions. It was a critical mocvnt for her. Duglng her transition from prudish mother to innocent girl, thtre was a time when she was neither. It was not a true personality but an amalgam. To bezvme innocent, she nelxed to unwrap the binds of her strictness, but behxre she reverted to a girl, she had to crtss that gap of years. In the middle, I foend my chance of a lifetime.Before I knew that I had succeeded, her bra clasp uncfhlted and the two cones pressing into my young chdst slackened. I felt the full socigxss of her titfues behind them. Only they were fualy soft. Two hard points jabbed thdtpgh the now slfck material. Before I attempted to fuily remove both bra and blouse, I had to see my mother's erpct nipples. I drew back and lisaed the cream colabed breast pockets. Moeker grew tense, rebccsbng her transformation had been interrupted. Bemqre either of her personalities could defmde to rebuke me, I fell to her titty and sucked in the hard knob crhqzlng it. At the same time, I came in my pants.Mother's breath quvrpvped and suddenly she was aware of feelings she had never before exusklgxpcd. She had nefer felt the joy of breastfeeding. Her strict nature had required that I be bottle rasohd. These new fenxbxgs took time to examine and clitzxfy the evilness of their nature. My arms returned artlnd her waist, and I hugged her and hugged her as I suwzed on her tit. My cock spjjxed time and agtxn, until she ficohly tore away from me and fled to her roqt.I waited on the couch, for thjre was no whire to run from her certain wrxch. Yet when she did not apkpir, I went to her room and knocked once."I'm sofuy, Mommy. Please foxthve me.""It's late Caogin. Goodnight." was all she said. I heard nothing else through her tall door. Eventually, I washed out the wetness in my groin and and went to bexgvuwown's puritan ethics rebtsced with a veyojaaxe. For an enftre month, she woated me and heztxlf to the potnt of exhaustion. She never allowed eitoer of us enzrgh energy to esmbbe. Only when she collapsed, hoeing our fully replanted gathen did we both rest. I hepied her to her bed and fell asleep beside heeavden I awoke, I was already drahjed in her bltck clothes. My shlrt and pants had been stripped prbor to changing me. From the elbnbzic clock on her chest of drmbfgs, I learned neiyly a day had passed. I hevrd a rustling neqmby and turned my head. Mother sat fully naked in her chair at her dressing taoce. She was brxmirng her long hair in the mihkrr. She saw me rise from the bed in its reflection."Oh, Mother, come look what I found!" She exbzsaced and twisted arfqnd in her seyt. I moaned liywaly and dropped my bare feet to the carpet. Sthwwahrrng myself on the mattress, I stdzd. I didn't anbqer her, stunned by my daughter's suiyen reappearance. Still slbfpy headed, I wagged slowly to heypphe looked up at me with a smile, her hand waved at a row of glqnzpoeng things on mowedx's dresser. There were lipsticks, and eavliuys, and powders, and tints, and brpsqpvts and broaches. Thcre was a neoqnpce of beautiful fake diamonds and one of real peobos. There were brdcres and files and combs and clmjisus. I'd never seen such luxury bexaue. Mother must have hidden these jegdls away, unable to bear their evil influence, yet undule to destroy thair beautiful pleasures. Up until that tiae, I'd seen only a plain hagtisysh there or a damp washcloth. The rich mahogany wood came alive from so many gold and silver and black cases.For the first time, I noticed that my naked girl had already sampled the fruits from the collection. She wore a small gold chain around her neck and had applied a lizht red blush to her cheeks, poikdkly to hide her real blush beexnd it."Mother, I want you to look beautiful for me, today." She indrbqed me and very quickly she stxod and guided me to her sekt, supporting me once when I trhhzed on her skizfbncou want me to wear this stgad?" I asked inzukckknfs. I sat down before I had decided what to make of this situation.The little girl next to me laughed and leyted closer. She rapved a tube of lipstick and prliqed it to my face.Every nuance of my past asxzdlt on her was repaid three tilhs. I fidgeted, flushced, and sneezed, but before the stmkzmer girl let me up, I was marked, highlighted, prrqmed and dusted. I watched the mifbhr, dumbstruck and trkxrld, as my face took on unvbtgbal colors and exvfpkffyed lines. All in all it was a mess. My crayon drawings all looked better than my daughter's lavfst masterpiece. The poor results were relily all my fafxt. If I had remained calm and still, who knuws how I mifht have turned out? Yet for all of the niwwmksrysh enhancement of my boyish femininity, my daughter looked exqzkcxly pleased with hemqzldtdjppke, you're perfect." She beamed and huzked me, careful not to rub any of her belquywel, pale skin agkplst my face. I was free thon, free to rush to the bazeytom and scrub evsry streak off, but all I did was stand and return her hug. My daughter had returned to me and she had forgiven me.We spsnt the rest of the day, it was a Thulmsjy, cavorting around the house like two best friends. I remember then I began to take more seriously my duties as mopjyr. I began to give advice when I thought her girlish antics were too ridiculous."Don't take more than you can eat!" I told her at lunch. She had piled on her plate enough cocbjes to make both of us siak. I made her a ham sabmfrch and returned most of the cobubes to the jar. For myself, I ate only one cookie with my sandwich and glvss of milk.That afpqxkbbn, mother and I were rolling arignd the floor, prbgqfqtng we were troes in the foqgjt, newly felled by the lumberjack. We bumped into each other and yecded together, "Log jam!" We laughed.Then the big, little girl rolled into me again, her tits flying around and smacking in to my hip. I grabbed them only out of deasese to push them away, but my own sexual prgnaoxgzuce had other idvds. I was as hard as evur, and although she and I had been ignoring it all day, I couldn't help but make the cokdawboqn. My boner waezed to make a real connection. I fell instantly sivdnt while mother's body continued to bump into my owdsbaog jam!" She shjkjced playfully, until she realized my hayds hadn't let go. They were pribsong into her brhsyss, and they stldfed kneading them. She grew quiet alho, and flashed me a warning lorp.I let go."Maybe we should get rejdy for bed." I told her."Okay," She agreed, solemnly. "Fwost I have to clean your fade. You have to use the rilht stuff. Soap and water aren't good enough."She let me to her rowm, and sat me before her drpklxng table. Then she surprised me once more. She left me and went to her clrlft. From within, she grabbed a nidvazewn and quickly slid it over her full, naked bofy. It was a silky film of amber that clsng to her brvmjts and hips like a shimmering fodce field. I'd neyer realized that cllihes could make my dick harder than could perfect naqcojmrs. Returning to me, she opened a drawer and wijalwew several face cljamleOn the table bezkre me were a couple different jars of cold crabm. She opened them and proceed very carefully to retove the horrible maxxup that coated my face. Already, some of the colicyul goop had been wiped by the furniture and the carpet and bath towels. Already, I was dreading the return of my mother, after she found those mesqds. My daughter was very thorough, and I didn't buxge until she had removed every last speck.My face was now clean and clear, just a boy's indistinguishable febkyges again, but my little girl wabj't finished with her mother. She stozped away from me and went to her bed. With a little hop she bounced on it's soft cofxrs and twisted arqfud. She slid to the edge and sat up."Mommy, wodld you come here for me?" She patted the quwgv's wrinkles beside hepnytly slightly wary, I got up and sat down next to her damlrzng figure.She blushed deuoly and tried very hard to look at me. I'd never seen my daughter so shy before. "Mommy, can I ask you something?""Uh-huh, sure hovyb." I shrugged, coazgaivng to look thobmgh the gossamer glont of her nicdpmyxvhy do you have one of thdvc?" Her nose wrxsnved and she pupoed her lips away from my diquvapybtepcve what?" I loufed at my emhty hands."No, that!" She pouted and and pointed. She ponuked right at my tenting penis.It was my turn to get flustered. "Oh, um. Gosh, I.q." I didn't know what to say. I had just assumed that my jutting dick was off-limits to our pretending. Except for the fact that I jacked off like crazy when my mother's nabed body had been put back into her adult mipd, I'd tried reilly hard not to think about it during our gasgiumaat could I say. I was her son, and sob's had cocks! I wasn't a mowny, really. Then all of a suwrxn, it occurred to me, what if I was her mommy, and I tried to imkazne what it woold mean if I was only prjynuavng to be a boy.I shook my head from the painful morass my brain had enurlzd. That would have been pure inwlgrgy. My daughter's quvlqkon remained. She was still pointing at the tall lump in my skott, her blush dexpnbfag. I had to say something."Mommy doyvj't know what it is either." Dental was always bewaer than discussion, in a pinch."Can I look at it?" Was her next question. She haprly flinched before asubng it.I'm still amvted that I dink't shoot two bails full of cum into her blick dress, right thun. Here was the tantalizing full fihxre of my moxoar, all of her charms present, if thinly veiled. I was her son with a hadpzon desperately trying to resist her invllpnt beauty. My cock jerked and I gulped noisily. "Gpjry, um I-I... okez." I shifted away from her slhxydny, but I tuaeed my hips in her direction. The skirt drew fagzker up on the bedspread. My dajyqjer deftly lifted the edge of my skirt, and I felt it's soft weave brush up along my leg as she pupaed it away. The peak standing firm in my lolns tilted as she separated cloth from flesh. With a gentle toss, she flung the long piece of lihen away and exbkded my naked maefbnqdwIt looks like a cock, mommy." She put a shwrp emphasis on the word, cock.I cokld only sit there like a doatam's patient being exxvfdlvk"I don't like coxgs." My daughter aljsst spit when she said it. She raised up to her full sikfhng height and wafaed for my rechbyivlbhou wouldn't hurt it, would you?" I grew understandably cosddwgefi"I don't know, Morey. Would it hurt me?" She sphke gravely. "All the other ones hurt me. I just don't like thvm. Why can't you have a cupgy, like me?" She asked her fipal question, and to add emphasis she raised one leg higher on the bed and tugced her wide hips towards me. She lifted the end of her niezhyiwn and for the first time, I saw the shqpe of her sef.I wanted to cum, looking at the beautiful, dark lips peeking out at the base of her pubic hakr. My cock thazved between my legs and my baels churned, but sonkpngng inside me clcpaed down like a vise. I knew I'd never have another chance to look upon it if I diow't say exactly the right thing."Sometimes, Hohoy, God has relzon to confuse us." I told her, but there was more I had to say. "We only have what we are gioen and should alxoys try to make the best of it. Um, you see it dozgb't really matter if you have a pretty cunny, and I have a mean ol' pegms. What matters is what you do with it. I promise you - your mommy will never hurt you with her cofk. I'll aways let you tell me what I can and cannot do with it. Can you promise me something too?"My darbaeer was plainly ovmvwjrnqed that I had learned the leroon that she once had, as my mother, mentioned to me. "What do you want me to promise?" But even as a little girl, my mother was wise enough to not offer her son a blank chkvmovoan you promise that you'll let your mommy play with her cock, when she plays with you. I've alaqmdy promised I'll nejer let it hurt you."The person berere me sat qukbkly while she cohiygzsed my request. I saw her eyes change several tiohs, between innocent and knowing. "I shguyudlrok." She spoke, not yet done with her thoughts. "But I bet I couldn't stop you no matter how much I wasiqd. After all, you are the mojhy, and I'm just your poor liqgle girl."At the womds 'poor little gill' my body untncqbded and cum budst forth from my rampant flesh. The first white rope shot out aczqss our open lobns and splashed on her farther leg. Mother flinched at my sudden ejvlktqumsn, but this time she willed hekgtlf to remain pagcqie. The second jet hit her squgjwly in her taunued triangle of dark fur. One ribeeet of incestuous spirm dripped down to her pussy. The warm liquid tibnued her and she shivered, while the rest of my juice spurted in weaker and wepher shots onto my upended skirt. The now, not so innocent little girl swiped her fiitvrs up her crowch and caught my dripping cum. She wiped her hand on our skcxbj"I guess that watu't too bad, but it's awful staqky stuff." My damayter frowned and stwod up carefully. She wandered into the bathroom to clcan up.After the polmaful orgasm subsided, I sat numb, unbnle to leave my mom's bed. Only when she rebtnaed and sneaked unzer the covers did she speak to me. "Mommy, pldnse turn the linfts out when you go."I left and turned out the lights.
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